How It Works

How does REfinery KIDS work?


[grid_4][icobox icon=”icon-usd” color=”quaternary” title=”Gather Your Kids Stuff” text=”We buy gently used kids items from families just like yours! Bring in your kids clothing, shoes, toys, and baby equipment like strollers, pack’n’plays, bouncy seats, and more!”] [/grid_4]

[grid_4][icobox icon=”icon-money” color=”quaternary” title=”We Make Selling Easy” text=”Selling to REfinery KIDS is as easy as can be! Bring us your kids stuff anytime we are open – you never need an appointment! We will go through your items while you wait, and pay you $$$ on the spot for everything we can accept!”] [/grid_4]

[grid_4][icobox icon=”icon-star-empty” color=”quaternary” title=”Shop With Us AND Sell To Us” text=”At REfinery KIDS, we only carry gently used items from the best children’s brands. You will not find a better deal on kids stuff!”] [/grid_4]